Month 1 (April):
- Unit 1: Who Did Patrick’s Homework? (Prose)
- Unit 1: A House, A Home (Poem)
Month 2 (May):
- Unit 2: How the Dog Found Himself a New Master? (Prose)
- Unit 2: The Kite (Poem)
Month 3 (June):
- Unit 3: Taro’s Reward (Prose)
- Unit 3: The Quarrel (Poem)
Month 4 (July):
- Unit 4: An Indian American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla (Prose)
- Unit 4: Beauty (Poem)
Month 5 (August):
- Unit 5: A Different Kind of School (Prose)
- Unit 5: Where Do All the Teachers Go? (Poem)
Month 6 (September):
- Unit 6: Who I Am (Prose)
- Unit 6: The Wonderful Words (Poem)
Month 7 (October):
- Revision of all units
- Practice exercises and assessments
Month 8 (November):
- Unit 7: Fair Play (Prose)
- Unit 7: Vocation (Poem)
Month 9 (December):
- Unit 8: A Game of Chance (Prose)
- Unit 8: What if (Poem)
Month 10 (January):
- Unit 9: Desert Animals (Prose)
- Unit 9: The Banyan Tree (Poem)
Month 11 (February):
- Unit 10: The Story of the Flying Tire (Prose)
- Unit 10: A House is Not a Home (Poem)
Month 12 (March):
- Revision of all units
- Practice exercises and assessments
- Preparation for final examinations
Month 1 (April):
- Chapter 1: Knowing Our Numbers
- Chapter 2: Whole Numbers
Month 2 (May):
- Chapter 3: Playing with Numbers
- Chapter 4: Basic Geometrical Ideas
Month 3 (June):
- Chapter 5: Understanding Elementary Shapes
Month 4 (July):
- Chapter 6: Integers
Month 5 (August):
- Chapter 7: Fractions
Month 6 (September):
- Chapter 8: Decimals
Month 7 (October):
- Chapter 9: Data Handling
Month 8 (November):
- Chapter 10: Mensuration – I
Month 9 (December):
- Chapter 11: Mensuration – II
Month 10 (January):
- Chapter 12: Algebra
Month 11 (February):
- Chapter 13: Ratio and Proportion
Month 12 (March):
- Chapter 14: Symmetry
- Chapter 15: Practical Geometry
Chapter 1: Food: Where Does It Come From?
- Introduction to food sources: Plants and animals
- Classification of food sources
- Components of food: Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals
- Sources of food nutrients
Chapter 2: Components of Food
- Introduction to nutrients: Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, water
- Functions of nutrients in the body
- Balanced diet: Importance and components
Chapter 3: Fibre to Fabric
- Introduction to fibres: Natural and synthetic fibres
- Sources of natural fibres: Cotton, wool, silk
- Process of obtaining fibres from natural sources
- Types of fabrics and their uses
Chapter 4: Sorting Materials into Groups
- Introduction to materials and their properties
- Classification of materials based on properties: Solubility, transparency, conductivity, etc.
- Various groups of materials: Metals, non-metals, rocks, minerals, etc.
- Properties and uses of different materials
Chapter 5: Separation of Substances
- Methods of separation: Handpicking, threshing, winnowing, sieving, sedimentation, decantation, filtration, evaporation, distillation
- Practical applications of separation techniques
Chapter 6: Changes Around Us
- Introduction to changes: Physical and chemical changes
- Characteristics of physical changes
- Characteristics of chemical changes
- Examples of common changes in daily life
Chapter 7: Getting to Know Plants
- Introduction to plants: Structure and parts of a plant
- Types of plants: Herbs, shrubs, trees
- Functions of different plant parts
- Life cycle of a flowering plant: Seed germination, growth, reproduction
Chapter 8: Body Movements
- Introduction to body movements: Types of movements in animals
- Types of joints and their functions
- Skeletal system: Structure and functions
- Muscular system: Structure and functions
Chapter 9: The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings
- Introduction to ecosystems: Components of an ecosystem
- Habitat and adaptation
- Food chains and food webs
- Interdependence of living organisms
Chapter 10: Motion and Measurement of Distances
- Introduction to motion: Types of motion
- Measurement of distance: Units of length, measuring instruments
- Speed: Calculation and units
Chapter 11: Light, Shadows and Reflections
- Introduction to light: Sources of light, transparent and opaque objects
- Formation of shadows: Properties of shadows
- Reflection of light: Laws of reflection, mirrors, practical applications
Chapter 12: Electricity and Circuits
- Introduction to electricity: Electric circuit, components of an electric circuit
- Conductors and insulators
- Symbols of electric components
- Safety measures in handling electricity
Chapter 13: Fun with Magnets
- Introduction to magnets: Types of magnets, magnetic and non-magnetic materials
- Properties of magnets
- Magnetic field, poles, and lines of force
- Practical applications of magnets
Chapter 14: Water
- Introduction to water: Sources and properties of water
- States of water: Solid, liquid, gas
- Water cycle: Evaporation, condensation, precipitation
- Conservation of water resources
Chapter 15: Air Around Us
- Introduction to air: Composition and properties of air
- Air pressure: Factors affecting air pressure, measuring air pressure
- Importance of air for living organisms
- Air pollution: Causes, effects, and preventive measures
Month 1:
- History: Chapter 1 (What, Where, How and When?)
- Geography: Chapter 1 (The Earth in the Solar System)
- Civics: Chapter 1 (Understanding Diversity)
Month 2:
- History: Chapter 2 (On the Trail of the Earliest People)
- Geography: Chapter 2 (Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes)
- Civics: Chapter 2 (Diversity and Discrimination)
Month 3:
- History: Chapter 3 (From Gathering to Growing Food)
- Geography: Chapter 3 (Motions of the Earth)
- Civics: Chapter 3 (What is Government?)
Month 4:
- History: Chapter 4 (In the Earliest Cities)
- Geography: Chapter 4 (Maps)
- Civics: Chapter 4 (Key Elements of a Democratic Government)
Month 5:
- History: Chapter 5 (What Books and Burials Tell Us)
- Geography: Chapter 5 (Major Domains of the Earth)
- Civics: Chapter 5 (Panchayati Raj)
Month 6:
- History: Chapter 6 (Kingdoms, Kings, and an Early Republic)
- Geography: Chapter 6 (Major Landforms of the Earth)
- Civics: Chapter 6 (Rural Administration)
Month 7:
- History: Chapter 7 (New Questions and Ideas)
- Geography: Chapter 7 (Our Country – India)
- Civics: Chapter 7 (Urban Administration)
Month 8:
- History: Chapter 8 (Ashoka, the Emperor Who Gave Up War)
- Civics: Revision and Practice
Month 9:
- History: Chapter 9 (Vital Villages, Thriving Towns)
- Civics: Revision and Practice
Month 10:
- History: Chapter 10 (Traders, Kings and Pilgrims)
- Civics: Revision and Practice
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.