The assessment structure for classes VI to VIII follows a Term Assessment system, designed to gradually increase learning assessment throughout the academic year. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the assessment scheme: TERM-1 (First Half of the Session) – 100 MARKS:
  • Includes 20 marks for Periodic Assessment (PA) and 80 marks for the Half-Yearly Exam.
  • Periodic Assessment (PA) consists of various assessments conducted during the term, such as periodic tests, multiple assessments, portfolio assessment, and subject enrichment activities.
  • The Half-Yearly Exam covers syllabus content covered until the announcement of exam dates by the school.
TERM-2 (Second Half of the Session) – 100 MARKS:
  • Similar to Term-1, it includes 20 marks for Periodic Assessment (PA) and 80 marks for the Annual Exam.
  • PA comprises periodic tests, multiple assessments, portfolio assessment, and subject enrichment activities.
  • The Annual Exam covers syllabus content covered during the second term.
Subject-wise Breakdown:
  • English:
    • PA: Periodic Test (05 marks), Multiple Assessment (05 marks), Portfolio (05 marks), Subject Enrichment (05 marks).
    • Annual Exam: Written exam for 80 marks with syllabus covered during the second term.
Additional Notes:
  • The school has the autonomy to schedule three periodic written tests in the academic year, with the average of the best two tests considered for final marks submission.
  • Various assessment strategies are employed for multiple assessments, including observation, oral tests, individual or group work, class discussion, field-work, and concept mapping.
  • Portfolios serve as extensions of subject-wise notebooks and include classwork, homework assignments, and exemplary work.
  • Subject Enrichment Activities focus on enhancing understanding and skill development, with specific activities recommended for languages, mathematics, science, and social science.
This assessment structure aims to provide a comprehensive evaluation of students’ progress and learning outcomes, promoting holistic development across various subjects and skill areas.
Subjects. TERM-1 First Half of the session (100 MARKS) 20 marks Periodic Assessment (PA) + 80 marks Half Yearly Exam TERM-2 Second Half of the session (100 MARKS) 20 marks Periodic Assessment (PA) + 80 marks Annual Exam
English PA 20 Marks Periodic Test 05 marks with Syllabus covered till announcement of test dates by school. Multiple Assessement (05 Marks) Portfolio 5 marks Subject Enrichment (05 Marks) Half Yearly Written exam for 80 marks With Syllabus Covered Till Announcement of Half Yearly Exam dates by School PA 20 Marks Periodic Test 05 marks with Syllabus covered till announcement of test dates by school. Multiple Assessement (05 Marks) Portfolio 5 marks Subject Enrichment (05 Marks) Yearly exam for 80 marks With Syllabus covered during the second term
Social Science

Co-Scholastic Activities for classes VI to VIII

For the holistic development of the student, co-curricular activities in the following areas be carried out in CBSE affiliated schools by the teachers and will be graded term-wise on a 3 – point grading scale ( A= Outstanding, B= Very good and C= Fair). The aspect of regularity, sincere participation, output and teamwork be the generic criteria for grading in the following co- scholastic activities:

Work Education – Work Education refers to skill-based activities resulting in goods or services useful to the community.

Art Education ( Visual & Performing Art)

Health and Physical Education (sports / Martial Arts/ Yoga /NCC etc.)

Discipline (Attendance, Sincerity, Behaviour, Values):

Discipline significantly impacts career shaping and it helps in building character. Sincerity, good behaviour and values develop strength and foster unity and co-operation. Therefore, the element of discipline has been introduced. Class teacher will be responsible for grading the students on a Five -point scale (A to E) for classes IX and X. It will be done on term -wise basis on a 3- point scale for classes VI to VIII.

The internal assessment comprising 20 marks (10+5+5) entails objectivity and a structured approach. For a holistic assessment, the teachers are expected to make it an effective tool.


  1. Use of any unfair means during the examinations shall be viewed seriously.
  2. A minimum of 75% attendance is essential for appearing in the Annual/Board examinations.
  3. Projects/ assignments/ activities conducted as part of Scholastic or Co-scholastic assessments are compulsory.
  4. After the periodic tests/Examinations, the progress card/ report book shall be provided to the parents. The same shall be returned to the school with the signature of the parent.
  5. Application for the verification of marks/grades in exceptional cases may be considered at the discretion of the head of the school on payment of Rs. 50/- per subject for annual examination only.
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