Our History
In this era of globalization, with the increasing role of liberalization, there have been fundamental changes in the scientific and technological world, where ensuring quality in every aspect of life has become a necessary challenge for all of us. When we talk about the golden future of the nation in the field of education, the most crucial level where our focus is expected to be is the age group of 14 to 18 years, i.e., secondary education. With this perspective in mind, the Government of India has laid the groundwork for the establishment of model schools in underserved blocks, both from an educational perspective and with the aim of making it quality-oriented, akin to the pattern of central schools.
Concept of Model School
The concept of these schools has been developed to provide quality education at the secondary level in blocks lagging behind from an educational perspective, following the pattern of central schools. The infrastructure and facilities of these schools will be at a minimum level equivalent to that of a central school. Ideal student-teacher ratios, the use of the latest information and communication technology, creative educational environments, and prescribed standards related to curriculum will be established in these schools, with a focus on the all-round development of students. The standards of model schools will be akin to those of central schools.